Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Exhibit-2014

The Exhibit at the Open Palm Court Gallery

Amrit with Ms Merry Barua

Amrit with her Playgroup Mentor, Ms.Rashmi Verma

Amrit's support gang; Mrs. Nina Luthra, Mrs Aprajita Ralli and Anandita

Visitors at the Habitat Centre

Basking In Glory

Invite from Views from Planet Autism
Aditi and Adhya with Amrit's work

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Amrit,

    Thanks for the kind note.
    I am a research associate in the department of special education at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.
    As part of university project our team started a design school that invite students with autism to university for development of their artistic skills via drawing, designing, learning to use illustration software.

    We annually host a big art exhibition based on our students. It is a blossom place to increase public awareness in Korea as we invite VIPs and public media.

    This year, we are inviting Asian students with autism who are interested in participating in our exhibition. Unfortunately there will be no subsidy for airfare, however we accept artworks or printed artworks via mail.

    Participants will receive framed artworks back, exhibition brochure, newspapers, news link via mail.

    You can find our research team in facebook, please type autistar (AutiStaR is a registered trademark of Autism Special Talents and Rehabilitation. AutiStaR's products are designed by individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Profits are used to support their individual socioeconomic lives in society)


