Thursday, April 10, 2014


A beautiful insight to Autism

Hello friends,
I want to share this beautiful article penned by Debra Hosseini on the Art of Autism. It surely touched my heart and I wish to share the same with you all.

Autism Acceptance Month and The Golden Rule of Autism

April 8, 2014
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by Debra Hosseini
April has been designated as the month to contemplate autism. There is a growing movement among people who are knowledgeable about autism who wants to see the word awareness change to acceptance. in 2011, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) proposed we change the designation from Autism Awareness Month to Autism Acceptance Month. The Art of Autism would love to see April designated officially as Autism Acceptance Month.
Acceptance requires heart-felt action. Awareness is passive and can even be harmful. Especially if the messages are negative as we’ve observed in many media campaigns. Our children internalize the messages they receive. How many times have I heard non-verbal Autistic adults relate detailed reports of conversations they overheard as children. Never assume those who aren’t verbal don’t understand!
At the Fred Conference last week, Areva Martin shared a story which touched many in the audience. She observed a family with foster children who had various disabilities sit in the back of her church. The children were sensitive to the noise in the church and made sounds and acted in strange ways. This was uncomfortable for many in the congregation and soon the family became isolated in the back pews.
Areva noticed this and made a conscious choice to sit next to this family in quiet support. She encouraged friends to do the same. Soon this family was fully included and felt a sense of belonging in that church.
When Areva moved her seat to sit next to the family she moved the congregation from awareness to acceptance. Sometimes a small action such as a simple smile or hello can make a huge difference in a person’s day.
With more and more children being diagnosed with autism, it’s no longer good enough to be aware. “Aware” is a word that may even have hostile implications, such as “I’m aware you have autism, and am going to exclude you because of it.” We’ve witnessed this in our own community with my son Kevin. Earlier this year, a “friend” emailed me she was praying for Kevin. Later I discovered she was creating hostility in the community behind our backs. Prayers without right intent and action are meaningless and can even cause harm.
April is a month to celebrate people who may be wired differently than the rest of us. They may talk to themselves, flap their arms (self-stimulation), like to spin, repeat sounds or phrases (echolalia) or not talk at all. When overwhelmed they may have tantrums. They may have dual diagnoses.
They may also have profound insights and gifts to share.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Exhibit-2014

The Exhibit at the Open Palm Court Gallery

Amrit with Ms Merry Barua

Amrit with her Playgroup Mentor, Ms.Rashmi Verma

Amrit's support gang; Mrs. Nina Luthra, Mrs Aprajita Ralli and Anandita

Visitors at the Habitat Centre

Basking In Glory

Invite from Views from Planet Autism
Aditi and Adhya with Amrit's work

Amrit's latest works-A Glimpse

Club 60

Split Souls

Some Moments

Team India

You and I

A Little Golf Time


Neo Vision

Chit Chat

Simply Love

Style Icons

Life Kingsize







Tales Untold
Ulta Pulta

Life in Metro

Views from Planet Autism March 2014

Hello and greetings to all the lovely people out there. I feel ecstatic whenever I sit down to share another leap in Amrit's journey with all of you. This is the third year that we have displayed her work at Views from Planet Autism at the Habitat Centre and all those of you who have seen her work will, I am sure,  agree that there is a marked maturity in her work as well as her persona. Indeed Amrit has come a long way. Her lines have become clear, her concepts have matured, her painting has become neater and overall her connect with her surroundings and her understanding of the world around her has seen a huge maturity. For a long time now, Amrit has been following the news and seems to be interested in reading the newspaper every morning. In fact it's quite an interesting sight to see her sitting with her cup of morning tea focused on the newspaper. This newly acquired interested is very evident in her portraits of politicians and celebrities this year. One thing that also stands out is the focus on the figures. Off course the colours and the hues remain as vibrant as ever.  The attention to detail is also a salient feature of her work.

Once again much of the credit to this transformation in her work goes to her mentor, Mr. Anil Goswami who has been her guide, facilitator and her pillar of strength. I owe much of this to his unflinching, selfless, constant support and endeavor. Another wonderful person I cannot thank enough is Mr. Pabitro, who has been by her side, gently guiding and nurturing her talent. These two gentlemen have once again given Amrit a reason to smile.

When I sit to write about Amrit, one thing that always overwhelms me is the gentility of  the people who touch her life. My colleagues, my friends, my younger daughter's friends and their parents, the network and support has been growing. It leaves me stunned and I cannot but marvel at the ways God showers his blessings. All these people, Known and unknown have touched our lives and we are truly blessed to have come in contact with them.